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Common Problems

Commonly Reported Problems
MQ.DLL cannot be located This is usually caused not by the MQ.DLL being actually missing, but by the MQ.DLL being unable to resolve all of its dependencies when it is loaded. The first thing you should do is to reboot your machine and see if that resolves the issue. If it doesn't, then proceed with the rest of these suggestions.
Click on the ‘Start’ button on the lower left of your main desktop screen, then ‘Select Run’...
Type in CMD and click OK
This will open a DOS session window
Type in ‘SET’ and press the Enter key.
Look for the PATH= statement and determine whether the C:\Program Files\MQSeries Client\bin folder has been added to the path statement. If it has, verify that the folder actually exists on your system and contains approximately 40-45 files mostly DLLs. If not the install failed and will need to be uninstalled and reinstalled.. If the folder and it contents do exist but the path statement doesn’t reference it, you will need to either uninstall the MQSeries Client and reinstall it or you will need to add the path to the folder to the environmental variable Path= manually. To uninstall the MQSeries Client use the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet and remove any software in the list named similar to IBM MQSeries or IBM WebSphere MQ.
Submit MM via Web or Send MM Draft To
Fails or returns
DB2000 General Error 3265: Item not found in this collection. MMprint cmdSumitWeb, log on error.
We have seen this error about a dozen times. It has always been caused by corruption of, or absence of certain registry settings normally created by the setup of the default browser. The Installation Log diagnostic can usually but not always diagnose this condition. The default browser must be able to handle HTTPS:// URLs. This in turn is controlled by HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\https registry settings.
We have found that the easiest way to solve this problem is to follow the following procedure:
1. In DB2000 use the Settings menu, Change DB2000 URLs, Change MM Web Submission URL and verify that the value of the URL is as follows:    
If the value of the URL it is not the same as that above, copy the value from this screen and paste or key it into the dialog to correct it, and try the MM submission again.
2. In DB2000 use the Settings menu, Change DB2000 URLs, Change MM Draft Review URL and verify that the value of the URL is as follows:    
If the value of the URL it is not the same as that above, copy the value from this screen and paste or key it into the dialog to correct it, and try the Draft Review process again.
3. If it fails again, or was properly set to begin with, do the following:
Go to and download and install Firefox.  Use a standard setup as opposed to a custom setup.
Start Firefox, and use the Tools Menu, Options, Main Tab to set and make sure that Firefox is now your default browser.
Get out of Firefox.
Start Internet Explorer.
Use The Tools Menu, Internet Options, Programs Tab to set the checkbox that says Internet Explorer should check to see if it is the default browser. Once you have set this checkbox a button should appear asking whether Internet Explorer should be set as the default browser. Make it the default.
Stop Internet Explorer.
Start DB2000 and try again. It should now work.
What this procedure does is to force Internet Explorer to rebuild some of its registry settings. In every instance so far, this procedure has corrected the problem.
Decoding fails on Import of an email Roster
This is caused by a timing problem in the decoding routine. We have put a delay into the routine to minimize the occurence of this problems. However, in our experience, retrying one or more times will usually get around this.
This problem does not happen with MQSeries, so you may want to consider downloading and installing the appropriate MQSeries client. They are available on the DB2000 support site.
Unable to add a member to a grid such as in the OD-2 or merit mark grids.
Make sure that the member is not an affiliate
Make sure that the member is old enough. Check the Birthdt field.
If it's merit marks, remember that the commander can't be added.
If it's merit marks and the correct commander can't be inserted as the submitting officer, check the SQ Rank field of the Roster grid to ensure that the current commander has the correct rank, and that no one else is also marked as commander.
Divide by zero exception. Use new version. Problem is caused by system failing to return file length on request and DB2000 failing on updating the progress bar.
Unable to locate import roster file. User is using version 2 and .ex_ must be renamed to .exe to be found. Suggest upgrading to latest version.
CRC failure-Problem with Netscape Email Client. Diagnose by sending email to self. If not same length as sent file then problem exists. Solved by registering file type .crb to DB2000.
CRC Failure-Problem with HQDATA.EXE inserting hex'0D' after hex'0A'. Fixed by replacing HQDATA.EXE
CRC Failure-Problem with HQDATA.EXE contaminating CRC bytes. Possible fix by replacing HQDATA.EXE
Error 75 Path-DB2000 loosing track of path to database. Fixed in later versions.
Following installation of DB2000V3 and before setup, user receives message that HQ2000V2.MDB is missing or bad and to re-install DB2000. This problem is normally caused by missing or back level Jet Engine causing open failure. Diagnose by using REPWIZ.EXE from Windows Explorer to create a new query and point to HQ2000V2.MDB. If repwiz gets DAO failure it means user needs to install jet40sp3_comp.exe and mdac_typ.exe. See first table above.
RepWiz returns Unable to initialize Jet Engine-User needs to install jet40sp3_comp.exe and mdac_typ.exe. See first table above.
DB2000 appears to hang while importing a roster.
This is not a bug. The import process is extremely CPU intensive and the time required is a function of the speed of your machine and the size of the roster file. A slow machine and a large roster can easily take 30 minutes.

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